1/10Shortened title: Biomédica (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-4157
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2/10Shortened title: Bol. invest. (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-5641
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3/10Shortened title: Medicina (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-5498
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4/10Shortened title: Panorama medico (Bogota. 1976)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0121-6112
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5/10Shortened title: Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 1692-7273
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6/10Shortened title: Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-0011
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7/10Shortened title: Rev. med. vet. (Bogota)
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0122-9354
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8/10Shortened title: Revista med. veterinaria (Bogotá. En línea)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 2389-8526
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9/10Shortened title: Rev. salud pública
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0124-0064
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10/10Shortened title: Trib. méd. (Bogotá)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-2529
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