1/79 Shortened title: Analyses soc. iss. publ. pol Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 1529-7489
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2/79 Shortened title: Annu. stat. suppl. soc. secur. bull Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 1553-0949
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3/79 Shortened title: Bol. Soc. Ecuat. Salud Pública Available in the language: Spanish Country: Ecuador ISSN: XXXX-0099
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4/79 Shortened title: Br. j. prev. soc. med. Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 0007-1242
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5/79 Shortened title: Bull. Ninth. Dist. Dent.Soc Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 0070-3710
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6/79 Shortened title: Cent. saúde mens. hig. saúde publica med. soc Available in the language: Portuguese Country: Brazil
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7/79 Shortened title: Clin. soc. work j Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 0091-1674
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8/79 Shortened title: Cuad. méd. soc. (Ros.) Available in the language: Spanish Country: Argentina ISSN: 0326-3525
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9/79 Shortened title: Cuad. méd.-soc. (Santiago de Chile) Available in the language: Spanish Country: Chile ISSN: 0716-1336
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10/79 Shortened title: Fam. soc Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 1044-3894
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11/79 Shortened title: Forum qual. soc. res Available in the language: German, English, Spanish Country: Germany ISSN: 1438-5627
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12/79 Shortened title: Hawai'i j. health soc. welf. (Online) Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 2641-5224
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13/79 Shortened title: Health soc. work Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 0360-7283
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14/79 Shortened title: Health and social care delivery research (Online) Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 2755-0079
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15/79 Shortened title: Health soc. serv. j Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 0300-8347
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16/79 Shortened title: Health risk soc Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 1369-8575
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17/79 Shortened title: Informatics (Br. Comp. Soc., Prim. Health Care Spec. Group) Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 1352-2477
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18/79 Shortened title: Informatics for health & social care (Online) Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 1753-8165
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19/79 Shortened title: Inform Health Soc Care (Print) Available in the language: English Country: United kingdom ISSN: 1753-8157
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20/79 Shortened title: International journal of social determinants of health and health services (Online) Available in the language: English Country: United States ISSN: 2755-1938
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