Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen

Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen
Status Encerrado
Shortened title: Proc. K. Ned. akad. wet., Ser. C, Biol. med. sci
ISSN: 0023-3374
Responsibility mention: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen
Editora: North Holland Publishing
City: Amsterdam
Country: NL
Periodicity: Quarterly
Publication initiated in: 1957
Publicação encerrada em: 1989
Previous Title: Proceedings of the Section of Sciences, Series C: Biological and medical sciences, of the academy's Afdeeling Natuurkunde
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Subjects: MEDICINA
Title indexed in: Index Medicus
No. SECS Bireme: 10995