Ellenike purenike iatrike

Ellenike purenike iatrike
Status Encerrado
Shortened title: Ell. puren. iatr
ISSN: 1108-1430
City: Thessalonike
Country: GR
Periodicity: Monthly
Publication initiated in: 1988
Publicação encerrada em: 2004
Continuação por: Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine - issn: 1790-5427
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Eletronic version Option1,
URL: http://nuclmed.web.auth.gr/ (visitar link)
Aggregator/Supplier: Editor
Available since: 1998
Terminando em : 2004
Notas:^pAcesso gratuito aos resumos e notas de conteúdo. ^iFree access to abstracts and content notes.