Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. Reihe B, Infectious and parasitic diseases, microbiology (bacteriology, virology, mycology), immunology, parasitology, animal hygiene, food hygiene, pathology of infectious and parasitic diseases

Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. Reihe B, Infectious and parasitic diseases, microbiology (bacteriology, virology, mycology), immunology, parasitology, animal hygiene, food hygiene, pathology of infectious and parasitic diseases
Status Encerrado
Shortened title: Zent.bl. Vet.med., B Infect. parasit. dis. microbiol. (bacteriol. virol. mycol.) immunol. parasitol. anim. hyg. food hyg. pathol. infect. parasit. dis
ISSN: 0721-1856
Country: DE
Periodicity: Other frequencies
Publication initiated in: 1981
Publicação encerrada em: 1983
Continuação por: Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin, Reihe B: Infektions- und Invasionskrankheiten, Bakteriologie, Virologie, Parasitologie, Hygiene, Lebensmittelhygiene, Pathologie - issn: 0514-7166
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Subjects: Patologia
Medicina Clínica
No. SECS Bireme: 21788