In vitro cellular and developmental biology

In vitro cellular and developmental biology
Status Corrente
Shortened title: In vitr. cel. dev. biol., Plant sect
Variant titles: Vitro cellular and developmental biology, Plant section. In
In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant (Online) - issn: 1475-2689
ISSN: 1054-5476
Responsibility mention: Tissue Culture Association
City: Columbia
Country: US
Periodicity: Bimonthly
Publication initiated in: 1991
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Subjects: MEDICINA
Biologia Celular
Biologia do Desenvolvimento
No. CCN Brasil: 089027-8
Eletronic version Option1
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Aggregator/Supplier: CAPES-BLC
Available since: 2003
Terminando em : 2008

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Available since: 1965