21/58Shortened title: J. bras. ortodon. ortop. facial
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1516-7569
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22/58Shortened title: J. bras. ortodontia ortop. maxilar
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1413-3423
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23/58Shortened title: J. orofac. orthop
Available in the language: English, German
Country: Germany
ISSN: 1434-5293
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24/58Shortened title: J. orthod
Available in the language: English
Country: United kingdom
ISSN: 1465-3125
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25/58Shortened title: J. Charles H. Tweed Int. Found
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Country: United States
ISSN: 0855-3517
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26/58Shortened title: J. Indian Orthod. Soc
Available in the language: English
Country: India
ISSN: 0301-5742
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27/58Shortened title: Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists
Available in the language: English
Country: Netherlands
ISSN: 2212-4438
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28/58Shortened title: Kieferorthopadie (Berl.)
Available in the language: German
Country: Germany
ISSN: 0945-7917
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29/58Shortened title: Ligament
Available in the language: French
Country: France
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30/58Shortened title: Mondo ortod
Available in the language: Italian
Country: Italy
ISSN: 0391-2000
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31/58Shortened title: Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1982-8799
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32/58Shortened title: Orthod. Rev
Available in the language: English
Country: United States
ISSN: 0895-5034
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33/58Shortened title: Orthod. craniofac. res
Available in the language: English
Country: United kingdom
ISSN: 1601-6335
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34/58Shortened title: Lyons
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0078-6608
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35/58Shortened title: Orthodontist (Lond.)
Available in the language: English
Country: United kingdom
ISSN: 0048-2250
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36/58Shortened title: Ortodoncia
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Argentina
ISSN: 0030-5936
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37/58Shortened title: Ortod. clin. (Barc.)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Spain
ISSN: 1139-4714
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38/58Shortened title: Ortod. esp. (Ed. impr.)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Spain
ISSN: 0210-1637
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39/58Shortened title: Ortodon. gaúch
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1414-3674
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40/58Shortened title: Ortod. Parana
Available in the language: Portuguese
Country: Brazil
ISSN: 0101-3270
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