101/112Shortened title: Scand. j. public health
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Country: Norway
ISSN: 1403-4948
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102/112Shortened title: Scand. j. public health. Suppl
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Country: United kingdom
ISSN: 1403-4956
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103/112Shortened title: Scand. j. work environ. health
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Country: Finland
ISSN: 0355-3140
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104/112Shortened title: Scand. j. work environ. health; suppl
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Country: Finland
ISSN: 0356-6528
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105/112Shortened title: ScienceAsia J. Sci. Soc. Thai
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Country: Thailand
ISSN: 1513-1874
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106/112Shortened title: Southeast Asian j. trop. med. public health
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Country: Thailand
ISSN: 0125-1562
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107/112Shortened title: Sudan. j. public health
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Country: Sudan
ISSN: 1990-7567
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108/112Shortened title: Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online)
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Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1678-4391
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109/112Shortened title: S. Afr. j. child health (Online)
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Country: South Africa
ISSN: 1999-7671
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110/112Shortened title: Trop. J. Nat. Prod. Res. (Online)
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Country: Nigeria
ISSN: 2616-0692
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111/112Shortened title: WHO South-East Asia j. public health (Online)
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Country: India
ISSN: 2304-5272
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112/112Shortened title: Yale j. health policy law ethics
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Country: United States
ISSN: 1535-3532
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