Journal of orofacial pain

Journal of orofacial pain
Status Corrente
Shortened title: J. orofac. pain
ISSN: 1064-6655
Responsibility mention: American Academy of Orofacial Pain
Editora: Quintessence
City: Carol Stream
Country: US
Periodicity: Quarterly
Publication initiated in: 1993
Previous Title: Journal of craniomandibular disorders - issn: 0890-2739
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Title indexed in: Index Medicus
No. SECS Bireme: 11756
Eletronic version Option1
Full text: Para assinantes do formato eletrônico - Acesso controlado por IP/Acesso controlado por senha,
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Available since: 2001
Notas:^pAnos 1987 à 2000 acesso somente à alguns resumos.^iYears 1987 to 2000, free access to some additional resumes.