Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical techniques

Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical techniques
Status Corrente
Shortened title: J. laparoendosc. adv. surg. tech., Part A
ISSN: 1092-6429
Editora: Mary Ann Liebert
City: Larchmont
Country: US
Periodicity: Bimonthly
Publication initiated in: 1997
Partial continuation of: Journal of laparoendoscopic surgery - issn: 1052-3901
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Title indexed in: Index Medicus
Embase/Excerpta Medica
MEDLINE, Vol.7, n.1, 1997-
PUBMED, Vol.7, n.1, 1997-
No. SECS Bireme: 11829
Eletronic version Option1
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Aggregator/Supplier: Editor
Available since: 1991