Clinical psychology and psychotherapy

Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
Status Corrente
Shortened title: Clin. psychol. psychother
Variant titles: Clinical psychology & psychotherapy
ISSN: 1063-3995
Editora: Wiley
City: Chichester
Country: GB
Periodicity: Bimonthly
Publication initiated in: 1993
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Title indexed in: MEDLINE, Vol.15, n.1, 2008-
PUBMED, Vol.15, n.1, 2008-
Eletronic version Option1
Full text: Permitido para assinantes do formato impresso - Acesso controlado por IP,
URL: (visitar link)
Aggregator/Supplier: CAPES-WS
Available since: 1993
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