Journal of the american dental association

Journal of the american dental association
Status Encerrado
Shortened title: J. am. dent. assoc
Variant titles: The Journal of the American Dental Association (1939. Online) - issn: 1943-4723
ISSN: 0002-8177
Editora: American Dental Association
City: Chicago
Country: US
Periodicity: Monthly
Publication initiated in: 1922
Publicação encerrada em: 1936
Previous Title: Journal of the national dental association - issn: 0375-8451
Continuação por: Dental cosmos
Journal of the American Dental Association and the dental cosmos - issn: 0002-8177
Absorveu a: Dental cosmos
Thematic area: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Saúde Bucal
Title indexed in: MEDLINE, Vol.71, n.4, 1965-
BBO - Bibliografia Brasileira em Odontologia
PUBMED, Vol.71, n.4, 1965-
No. CCN Brasil: 041397-6
No. SECS Bireme: 741
Eletronic version Option1
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Available since: 1939

Full text: Permitido para assinantes do formato impresso - ,
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Available since: 1913