1/12Shortened title: Bull. mem. Soc. Med. Hôsp. Paris
Available in the language: English
Country: France
ISSN: 0366-1334
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2/12Shortened title: Bull. mem. Soc. Chir. Paris
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0037-9220
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3/12Shortened title: Cah. Coll. méd. hôp. Paris
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0375-877X
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4/12Shortened title: Contracept. fertil. sex. (Paris)
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0301-861X
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5/12Shortened title: Échos santé (Paris)
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 1167-8623
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6/12Shortened title: Eur. med. (Paris)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Spain
ISSN: 0375-8869
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7/12Shortened title: Fr. méd. (Paris, 1938)
Available in the language: English
Country: France
ISSN: 0015-962X
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8/12Shortened title: Med. sci.,(Paris)
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0767-0974
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9/12Shortened title: Médecine verte (Paris)
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0986-3095
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10/12Shortened title: Paris chir
Available in the language: French
Country: France
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11/12Shortened title: Paris med
Available in the language: French
Country: France
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12/12Shortened title: Sem. hopitaux Paris
Available in the language: French
Country: France
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