1/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. dent. (Paris)
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0339-9729
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2/31Shortened title: Bull. Acad. Natl. Chir. Dent
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0339-9710
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3/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. pol. sci. Cl. Deux. Ser. biol
Available in the language: English
Country: Poland
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4/31Shortened title: Bull. Acad. Pol. sci. biol
Available in the language: German, English, French, Chinese
Country: Poland
ISSN: 0001-5087
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5/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. vet. Fr
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0001-4192
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6/31Shortened title: Bull. assoc. gynecol. obstet. lang. fr
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Country: France
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7/31Shortened title: Bull. Inst. Natl. Hyg
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Country: France
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8/31Shortened title: Bull. Off. Int. Epizoot
Available in the language: English
Country: France
ISSN: 0300-9823
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9/31Shortened title: Bull. Assoc. anat
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Country: France
ISSN: 0376-6160
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10/31Shortened title: Bull. Assoc. Fr. Etude Cancer
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0004-5497
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11/31Shortened title: Bull. Inst. Natl. Sante Rech. Med. (Paris)
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Country: France
ISSN: 0553-2469
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12/31Shortened title: Bull. Union Int. contre Tuberc
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: France
ISSN: 0293-8510
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13/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. natl. med
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0001-4079
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14/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. r. med. Belg
Available in the language: French
Country: Belgium
ISSN: 0001-4168
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15/31Shortened title: Bull. acad. vet. fr
Available in the language: English
Country: France
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16/31Shortened title: Bull. Inst. fr. études andines
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Peru
ISSN: 0303-7495
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17/31Shortened title: Bull. Inst. Fr. Etudes Andin. (En ligne)
Available in the language: Spanish
Country: Peru
ISSN: 2076-5827
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18/31Shortened title: Bull. O.M.S. (1999)
Available in the language: French
Country: Switzerland
ISSN: 1564-6939
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19/31Shortened title: Bull. Mem. Acad. R. Med. Belg
Available in the language: French
Country: Belgium
ISSN: 0377-8231
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20/31Shortened title: Bull. mens. Off. int. hyg. publique
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0366-4465
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