401/404 Zeitschrift fur epileptologieShortened title: Z. EpileptolAvailable in the language: German, English Country: GermanyISSN: 1617-6782 see more details
402/404 Zeitschrift für neurologieShortened title: Z. neurolZ. neurolAvailable in the language: German, English Country: GermanyISSN: 0012-1037 see more details
403/404 Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. KorsakovaShortened title: Zh. nevrol. psikhiatr. im. S.S. KorsakovaAvailable in the language: Chinese Country: Russian FederationISSN: 1997-7298 see more details
404/404 Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti Imeni I. P. PavlovaShortened title: Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni i. p. pavlovaAvailable in the language: Chinese Country: Russian FederationISSN: 0044-4677 see more details