81/795Shortened title: Bol. epidemiol. (Asuncion)
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Country: Paraguay
ISSN: 1812-8629
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82/795Shortened title: Bol. epidemiol. (Lima, Impr.)
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Country: Peru
ISSN: 1563-2709
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83/795Shortened title: Bol. inf. CENETROP
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Country: Bolivia
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84/795Shortened title: Bol. nicar. hig. epidemiol
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Country: Nicaragua
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85/795Shortened title: Bol. epidemiol. sem. (Madr., 1995, Internet)
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Country: Spain
ISSN: 2173-9277
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86/795Shortened title: Br. j. prev. soc. med.
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ISSN: 0007-1242
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87/795Shortened title: Bull. immun. (Impr.)
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ISSN: 0366-4236
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ISSN: 0042-9686
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91/795Shortened title: Bundesgesundheitsblatt gesundheitsforschung gesundheitsschutz
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ISSN: 1436-9990
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92/795Shortened title: Cad. Mídia Saúde Pública
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ISSN: 1984-039X
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93/795Shortened title: Cad. Casa Oswaldo Cruz
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ISSN: 0103-4987
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94/795Shortened title: Cad. hist. saúde
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96/795Shortened title: Cad. saúde pública
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ISSN: 0102-311X
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ISSN: 1678-4464
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ISSN: 1809-0893
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99/795Shortened title: Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online)
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ISSN: 2358-1824
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100/795Shortened title: Cad. RH saúde
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ISSN: 0104-4117
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