1201/7536Shortened title: Bull. acad. natl. med
Available in the language: French
Country: France
ISSN: 0001-4079
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1202/7536Shortened title: Bull. acad. r. med. Belg
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Country: Belgium
ISSN: 0001-4168
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1203/7536Shortened title: Bull. acad. vet. fr
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Country: France
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1204/7536Shortened title: Bull. O.M.S. (1999)
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Country: Switzerland
ISSN: 1564-6939
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1205/7536Shortened title: Bull. org. hyg
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Country: Switzerland
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1206/7536Shortened title: Bull. sante publique
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Country: Belgium
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1207/7536Shortened title: Bull. Soc. belge otol. laryngol. rhinol
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Country: Belgium
ISSN: 0770-1357
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1208/7536Shortened title: Bull. soc. obstet. gynecol
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1209/7536Shortened title: Bull. Soc. pathol. exot
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ISSN: 0037-9085
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1210/7536Shortened title: Bull. Soc. pharm. Bordx
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ISSN: 0037-9093
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1211/7536Shortened title: Bull. soc. sexol
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1212/7536Shortened title: Bull. soc. sci. med. grand duche Luxemb
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Country: Luxembourg
ISSN: 0037-9247
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1213/7536Shortened title: Bull. soc. Hell. ophthalmol
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Country: Greece
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1214/7536Shortened title: Bull. Soc. liban. hist. méd
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Country: Lebanon
ISSN: 1021-1845
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1215/7536Shortened title: Bull. Soc. méd. Afr. noire lang. fr
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Country: South Africa
ISSN: 0049-1101
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1216/7536Shortened title: Bull. Union Int. control. Cancer
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Country: Switzerland
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1217/7536Shortened title: Bull. liaison doc. - OCEAC
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Country: Cameroon
ISSN: 0255-5352
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1218/7536Shortened title: Bull. méd. lég. toxicol. méd
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Country: France
ISSN: 0007-4365
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1219/7536Shortened title: Bull. microsc. appl
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Country: France
ISSN: 0366-4872
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1220/7536Shortened title: Bull. Physio-pathologie respir
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Country: United kingdom
ISSN: 0007-439X
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