1281/7536Shortened title: Bull. mém. Fac. mixte méd. pharm. Dakar
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Country: France
ISSN: 0366-1229
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1282/7536Shortened title: Bull. mem. Soc. Med. Hôsp. Paris
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Country: France
ISSN: 0366-1334
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1283/7536Shortened title: Bull. mém. Soc. natl. chir
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ISSN: 0366-4503
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1284/7536Shortened title: Bull. mem. Soc. Chir. Paris
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ISSN: 0037-9220
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1285/7536Shortened title: Bull. sci. med. (Bologna)
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Country: Italy
ISSN: 0007-5787
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1286/7536Shortened title: Bundesgesundheitsblatt gesundheitsforschung gesundheitsschutz
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ISSN: 1436-9990
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1287/7536Shortened title: Burkina medical
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Country: Burkina Faso
ISSN: 2424-7502
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1288/7536Shortened title: C.A.S.L. rev. cient
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ISSN: 0100-2708
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1289/7536Shortened title: Cad. pediatr
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1290/7536Shortened title: Cad. pesqui. (Rio J.)
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ISSN: 1415-4285
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1291/7536Shortened title: Cad. Mídia Saúde Pública
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ISSN: 1984-039X
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1292/7536Shortened title: Cad. bras. med
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ISSN: 0103-4839
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1293/7536Shortened title: Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup
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ISSN: 2526-8910
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1294/7536Shortened title: Cad. Casa Oswaldo Cruz
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ISSN: 0103-4987
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1295/7536Shortened title: Cad. cir
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ISSN: 0100-0462
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1296/7536Shortened title: Cad. ética pesqui
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ISSN: 1677-4272
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1297/7536Shortened title: Cad. hist. saúde
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1298/7536Shortened title: Cad. Naturologia Ter. Complement. (Online)
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ISSN: 2316-915X
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1299/7536Shortened title: Cad. pesqui
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ISSN: 0100-1574
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1300/7536Shortened title: Cad. pesqui. (Säo Luis)
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ISSN: 0102-4175
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