Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (Online)

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (Online)
Status Corrente
Título abreviado: J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care (Online)
Otras Variaciones: Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (Print) - issn: 2325-9574
ISSN: 2325-9582
Mención de la Responsabilidad: International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
País: US
Periodicidad: Bimestral
Publicación iniciada em: 2013
Título Anterior: Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Quarterly. Online) - issn: 1557-0886
Area tematica: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Asuntos: Patologia
Título indexado en: MEDLINE, Vol.12, n.1, 2013-
PUBMED, Vol.12, n.1, 2013-
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, 2018-
No. SECS Bireme: 20598
Online Opción1
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Texto Completo: Gratuito - ,
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Disponible a partir de: 2013