Transactions of the meeting of the American Surgical Association

Transactions of the meeting of the American Surgical Association
Status Corrente
Titulo abreviado: Trans. meet. Am. Surg. Assoc
Outras variações: Transactions of the American Surgical Association
Transactions of the American Surgical Association., Scientific papers
ISSN: 0066-0833
Menção de responsabilidade: American Surgical Association. Meeting
Editora: Pinted for the Association, for sale by l.B. Lippincott Co.
Cidade: Philadelphia
País: US
Periodicidade: Anual
Publicação iniciada em: 1935
Titulo anterior: American Surgical Association. Transactions of the American Surgical Association - issn: 1059-5538
Absorveu a: Scientific papers of the meeting of the American Surgical Association - issn: 0098-6178
Área temática: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Título indexado em: PUBMED
No. SECS Bireme: 17966