Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy

Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy
Status Corrente
Titulo abreviado: J. Am. Inst. Homeopath
ISSN: 0002-8967
Cidade: Washington
País: US
Periodicidade: Bimestral
Publicação iniciada em: 1909
Titulo anterior: Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy
Absorveu a: Homeopatic recorder
Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy for Physicians and Surgeons
Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy with the Homeopathy Recorder
Área temática: CIENCIAS DA SAUDE
Título indexado em: Index Medicus
Biological Abstracts
HOMEOINDEX - Base de dados de Homeopatia
No. CCN Brasil: 041413-1
No. SECS Bireme: 5269
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