1/21Shortened title: Am. fern j
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ISSN: 0002-8444
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2/21Shortened title: Biotropica
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ISSN: 0006-3606
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3/21Shortened title: Current protoc. plant biol
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ISSN: 2379-8068
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4/21Shortened title: Euphytica (Wagening.)
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Country: Netherlands
ISSN: 0014-2336
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5/21Shortened title: Funct. plant biol. (Online)
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Country: Australia
ISSN: 1445-4416
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6/21Shortened title: In vitr. cel. dev. biol., Plant sect
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ISSN: 1054-5476
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7/21Shortened title: International journal of phytoremediation (Online)
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ISSN: 1549-7879
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8/21Shortened title: J. plant physiol
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ISSN: 0176-1617
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9/21Shortened title: Molecular plant (Online)
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Country: China
ISSN: 1752-9867
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10/21Shortened title: Mycorrhiza
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 0940-6360
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11/21Shortened title: Plant biol. (Stuttg., Internet)
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ISSN: 1438-8677
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12/21Shortened title: Plant biotechnol. j. (Online)
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ISSN: 1467-7652
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13/21Shortened title: Plant cell rep
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ISSN: 0721-7714
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14/21Shortened title: Plant communications
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ISSN: 2590-3462
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15/21Shortened title: Plant mol. biol
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Country: Netherlands
ISSN: 0167-4412
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16/21Shortened title: Plant reprod. (Internet)
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ISSN: 2194-7961
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17/21Shortened title: Plant signalling & behavior (Online)
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ISSN: 1559-2324
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18/21Shortened title: Planta
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ISSN: 0032-0935
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19/21Shortened title: Planta med
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ISSN: 0032-0943
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20/21Shortened title: Sci. Agríc. (Online)
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Country: Brazil
ISSN: 1678-992X
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