19421/19544Shortened title: Z. psychol. z. angew. psychol
Available in the language: English
Country: Germany
ISSN: 0044-3409
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19422/19544Shortened title: Z. psychosomat. med. psychoanal
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 0340-5613
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19423/19544Shortened title: Z. psychosom. Med. Psychother
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 1438-3608
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19424/19544Shortened title: Z. Psychother. med. Psychol
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 0044-3417
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19425/19544Shortened title: Z. rechtsmed
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 0044-3433
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19426/19544Shortened title: Z. rheumaforsch
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ISSN: 0044-345X
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19427/19544Shortened title: Z. rheumatol
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ISSN: 0340-1855
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19428/19544Shortened title: Z. Säugetierkd
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ISSN: 0044-3468
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19429/19544Shortened title: Z. Sex.forsch
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ISSN: 0932-8114
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19430/19544Shortened title: Z. Stomatol. (1984)
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Country: Austria
ISSN: 0175-7784
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19431/19544Shortened title: Z. Tierphysiol., Tierernahr. Futtermittelkd
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Country: Germany
ISSN: 0044-3565
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19432/19544Shortened title: Z. tierpsychol
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ISSN: 0044-3573
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19433/19544Shortened title: Z. Tierz. Zuechtungsbiol
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ISSN: 0044-3581
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19434/19544Shortened title: Z. tropenmedizin parasitol
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ISSN: 0044-359X
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19435/19544Shortened title: Z. tuberk. erkrank. thoraxorg
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ISSN: 0373-0050
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19436/19544Shortened title: Z. Unf.chir. Versicher.med
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ISSN: 1017-1584
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19437/19544Shortened title: Z. Unf.chir. Versicher.med. Berufskrankh
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ISSN: 0254-6310
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19438/19544Shortened title: Z. unfallmedizin berufskrankh
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ISSN: 0044-3603
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19439/19544Shortened title: Z. urol. nephrol
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ISSN: 0044-3611
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19440/19544Shortened title: Z. vererbungslehre
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